Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Potty Training

Good Morning Everyone!

So as you all know Coleton will be 3 next month and I am really embarrassed to admit that he is not potty trained. Coleton is such a smart child he has always been advanced in his vocabulary, memory, and how he can apply knowledge. That being said, he was so behind on all the milestones of a baby so if you have a late crawler, walker, or whatever do not worry! I let so many people get into my head that I was sure my child was going to be a special needs child. Coleton did not crawl until he was a year old, and did not walk until he was 18 months old. He was my first and so I was already worried about everything so when people started suggesting I take him to a specialist I freaked! I soon learned as he got older that Coleton is my independent child. He does and probably always will do things his own way on his own time. I feel for the poor girl that will marry him because he may never propose (of course, this is fine by me ;) ) All of this being said I am not sure why I expected any different than a late potty trainee. I now have 2 kids in diapers and it is so frustrating! Coleton is so stubborn it is almost like he wants not to be potty trained on purpose. We have some days where we do so well and then others where he just really does not care. I have tried all the secrets and nothing seems to stick. I want to do the really intense 3 day potty training method but I just can't right now with a new baby. He will wear big boy underwear and just pee right in them blatantly. The other day he went on my Vera Bradley laptop bag. He came and told me and Chris almost as though he was proud of it. I am really not sure what to do at this point. I have always been told they will learn when they are ready. Well to that I say yeah that is all great and everything but what if my child is 5 before he is ready! Um yeah I am already embarrassed at almost 3 that he is still in pull ups. I am just to the point where I am frustrated and that is not the way to be as a potty trainer. I should be encouraging him but I can't help but wonder if he's doing this on purpose. I do not want to discipline him if he can't help it but if he is doing it just to be lazy that is a different story. He was always my good baby. He would sit in a dirty diaper and unless you checked him or smelled him he would sit in it and be perfectly happy he never cried! It was great when he was a baby because he was such a happy child, but now he will sit in wet underwear like it is nothing. He will even tell me if he is wet. We have the pull ups that the picture on the front disappears when he wets it. He will say "mommy the spaceship is gone, Oh no!" He will also look at me and say " I not poo poo in my pull up" translation I am dirty but then he doesn't want me to change him! Oh my goodness I do not know what to do with this one. Well I have rambled enough and Coleton is reprogramming my Tivo so I better fix it before the damage is irreversible. I am open to any suggestions that you all have feel free to let me know your secrets!

Have a great day and thank God for our children, they make this life such an adventure!

1 comment:

  1. hey girl! you know i did the potty training where i let bella t-t on everything, and marlie was a newborn just a few weeks old and it worked great! i had to i just could not handle 2 in diapers! but i never ever used pull ups! bc it was just like a diaper to her!
