Friday, June 11, 2010

Drug Policy Alliance

Drug Policy Alliance: I am all about people who need marijuana for medical reasons if you are dying of cancer and that will ease your pain yes I think you should be able to use. I have never been a user but if you do that is your choice just as drinking alcohol is your choice. Legalizing marijuana is not that bad in my opinion. It would free up some on of our prisoners so that people who are committing worse crimes can go to jail! I mean lets be honest if you really want it you can find right? But to legalize heroin, LSD, and crack because u think it is a human's right to choose is beyond crazy. I want prayer back in schools and that should be my right as a human but no one is legalizing that! Call me old school but legalizing that mess is not going to make our drug problem go down it will make it worse! I sure as heck do not want my boys living in a world where that mess is legal! I heard this on Fox News today and seriously thought it had to be a joke until I looked it up! I am seriously praying for our country right now and really hoping God will not let this happen!