Monday, August 30, 2010

The Good, the bad, and the smelly!

OK so if you get sick easily then you do not want to read this post!

So sweet little Cash as you all know has had tummy problems from day one! I tried like crazy to breast feed but he would not have it. I mean I tried hard and he literally hated it! I had nurses, doctors, lactation specialist everybody try and help and he was not having it. Anyway I could go on for days for all the problems we had after just that. Anyway so Cash now 6 months has been better lately and we started to increase solid food and by that I mean baby food! So he had not pooped in like a week so I started to worry. So 2 days ago I changed him as he was screaming he was impacted and I had to well you can guess...So a couple hours later he started to scream again so I decided after 2 prune juice bottle and no luck I would give him a suppository. OK I promise this is a funny story if you can stick with it! Anyway so he finally pooped and me and Coleton were so excited! Well I had the diaper off and all of the sudden the prune juice kicked in and he kept going and going and going all of the sudden he shot my clothes across the room. If you could have seen the horrified look on Coleton's face I swear I still bust out laughing at the thought. He was staring in horror and started screaming "mommy there is poo poo ebywhere and it wont stop!" I started crying I was laughing so hard so my poor husband gets woken up to us screaming and a God awful smell. I had on a pair of his boxers and they were covered in poop. The first words out of his mouth were " you can just throw those boxers away!" OMG it was so funny! Bless poor little Cash he would cry and then look at me while I was dying with laughter and would laugh ha ha ha! I know this was a gross story but I am sure many moms have been there done that it was just so funny to watch poor Coleton I think he may be traumatized!

I hope this made you laugh! HAve a great night


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Coleton singing Old MacDonald

So we are in the car and Coleton breaks out in "his" version of Old MacDonald! It is the cutest thing ever! He comes up with all of these animals such as a giraffe, and a skunk so I hope you laugh as much as we did at this precious baby boy of mine!