Monday, July 18, 2011

New Blog and Giveaway!

Hey Guys!

Wow is all I can say about how busy I have been! I am trying to get all the time I can in with Coleton before he starts preschool *tear* I can't believe my baby is that old! Anyway so off that I want to share with you a fabulous new blog that I found it is called Mommy's Reviews and Giveaways I mean what is better than that right my 2 favorite things combined? Well better than that she is giving away an iPad!
I mean you know we all want one! I am dying for one but can not afford one right now! The best part of this giveaway is that she is supporting this amazing cause called Matthew 25 Ministries. Click that and go to their facebook page! You all know I am a Christian cause I talk about it often on here and their mission is:
The mission of Matthew 25: Ministries is to fulfill Matthew 25:34-40 by providing nutritional food to the hungry, clean water to the thirsty, clothing to the naked, shelter to the homeless, medical care to the ill, and humanitarian supplies to prisoners.

"As you did it to the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did it to me" (Matthew 25:40).This just really touches my heart! I love serving the Lord and this is an amazing organization that allows us to help! I hope you visit and at least enter the giveaway!

Have a fabulous Monday! 


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Where oh Where have I been?

Hey Y'all!
I know that there are not many people that follow this blog and those that do probably never read it but I thought I would check in and say hi! I have been neglecting this blog and staying super busy with my crafting blog and well just trying to survive. I am not complaining about being a stay at home mom I am thankful for the opportunity but some days are just not the best of days and today was one of them. Both boys were wild and crazy and driving me up the wall! Just a typical day at the Carter house! We did pictures yesterday so I thought I would share a few with you! I hope you enjoy!
This is my little heart throb Cash!

And this one has has my heart from August 29 2006 when I found out I was pregnant! He is my love bug and loves his mommy!
Just us well being us!

 Who knows what this child just said but I am sure it was super funny as he is quite the funny child!

This one would have been good if one the lights were better and 2 my husband would have informed me that I was about to fall out of my shirt! I had to censor this one!

Have a great night!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Factor Tree

Hey Moms,

I hope you all survived the Super Bowl last night! It was a good game I will say! As many of you know I am a buzz agent. This is one of the coolest programs because I get to test and try products and let you guys know what I think of them. Well this month I had the pleasure of trying Factor Tree.

If you have not tried this website and you have kids I suggest you check it out! Here is what the website says about the program:

A better way to learn math

Every student learns differently — shouldn’t your child be taught math in the way that works best for them? The team at The Factor Tree think so. Which is why their online supplementary math education platform adapts as your child learns, to ensure your pre-K to 6th-grader is always taught in the way that gets the best results.

What makes the Factor Tree so effective?

  • Provides the practice and repetition needed for a child to truly master key math skills
  • Use a skill-adaptive progression algorithm to pinpoint each child’s true skill level
  • Provides parents with helpful reports, metrics and notifications to track their child’s progress
  • Combines a state testing-compliant curriculum, world class educational theories and innovative technology to create a better learning tool
Visit FactorTree I used this website and although Coleton is not quite ready for it yet it is definitely bookmarked and will be something that I purchase in the future. This website is amazing and if you are a teacher it makes a great resource for you take it from a teacher that knows! I struggled with math as a child and still do I wish that they had a resource like this for me when I was a child! Please visit their website above and you will get a free 2 week trial. It is well worth it TRUST ME! Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!

Have a Great Monday!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Polically Speaking

OK so as I said  earlier I will be starting to take on the blog dare at Bloggy moms. Today's topic is politically speaking. The question is do you talk about politics on your blog why or why not. Wow talk about a loaded topic :) Well I normally do not talk about politics on my blog. I do not want to force my opinion on anyone because I can get pretty heated and passionate about my beliefs. I have decided though with this one after talking to a good friend of mine tonight for a very long time on the phone that I am going to be more open about my beliefs and if it offends someone well then I guess they do not have to follow me. I know that Jesus was ridiculed and eventually hung on a cross for speaking His beliefs so if He can do it then so can I!
There are too many people who sit back and just let things happen and fuss and complain about it but never do anything. Well unless you are willing to stand up for what you believe then things will never change and you will live your life complaining. Goodness what a terrible way to live! I know life is not perfect no one ever said that it would be I am a stay at home mom who loves her boys dearly but I would be lying to you if I said they did not drive me silly sometimes! That is life! I do however want the best future for them and if I have to but heads with some politicians and school officials along the way you better believe that I am going to do it! God gave me a voice and gave me a passion for things and I intend to not let that go to waste! Well I hope you all enjoyed this installment of Coleton and Cash's mommy stay tuned for more tomorrow!

Bloggy Moms Challenge

Hey Guys!

Ok so I know this poor blog has been getting major neglect! I have been so busy with my other 2 blogs between starting my own busnisess and crafting on all the fabulous design teams that I am on this one has been getting neglected! Well I am going to try to change that! I have joined this fabulous group of women called Bloggy Moms! If you have not found them then you are really missing out! They have a challenge blog that gives me topic to write about each day! I am going to TRY to keep up with this!

a mom blog community 

 So stay tuned for more on this dare!

Much Love
